A 4-day Email Course to learn about the EI development approach and how it can benefit you

“Emotional Intelligence, a different way of being smart, is a key to high performance at all levels, particularly for outstanding leadership. It is not your IQ; it’s how you manage yourself and your relationships.”

— Dr. Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence

The Emotional Intelligence development model was pioneered by Dr. Daniel Goleman, author and science journalist, in his groundbreaking book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.

After it was published in 1995, it became an international bestseller, and today Emotional Intelligence has become ubiquitous.

EI utilizes proven methods to bring about lasting behavioral change. It incorporates cutting edge insights from neuroscience and psychology.

And it is based on state-of-the-art business research on what distinguishes high performers and outstanding leaders from average ones.

Developing your Emotional Intelligence helps you enhance all the life and work skills that are indispensable to be successful in today’s complex, fast-paced and volatile world.

Introduction to EI Course

In this email course, you will learn about the EI development model. What EI is. How you can increase it. And how it can help you in your life.

For four days, receive one email per day with a short essay on an aspect of Emotional Intelligence.

The course also includes reflection exercises and simple assignments to engage with the topic.

  • Day 1: Why are emotions important? Why is EI needed?
  • Day 2: What is EI?
  • Day 3: What does it take to increase your EI? What are the benefits?
  • Day 4: Your EI Profile

Investment: US$ 18 
Limited time Special: US$ 9 (50% Off)

• I offer you 30-day money-back guarantee. Because I am confident that the Intro to EI course will benefit you.

• After completing the course, you will also receive an invitation for a complimentary 30-minute introductory coaching call.

Sign up without any risk and take the first step to
changing your life for the better today!

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